Profit Share

Announcing $32 million 2023 Grower Profit Share!

We are incredibly excited to be able to announce the largest grower profit share ever for Oregon hazelnuts, $32 million for George Packing and Northwest Hazelnut growers!  Being growers ourselves, we know exactly how much these price increases are needed, and we are extremely proud of the work our team, our growers, and our receiving station partners have put in to make these gains possible. We knew that the 2022 crop was a low point for the industry, but the combination of global supply and the outstanding work of our entire supply chain have allowed us to rebound faster than we imagined.  We anticipate continued positive movement and another great crop in 2024.  From all of us at George Packing Company and Northwest Hazelnut Company we thank you for trusting us with your crop and continuing to support our great industry. 

Larry George & Shaun George

Announcing Another Price Increase in 2023 Hazelnut Field Prices

price increase flier - front
price increase flier - back
growers profitshare 2024
growers profitshare 2024